Thursday, April 14, 2011

Final Project

Now next week we start making the landscapes out of broken glass...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

More Research and Decision Making

Glass or Mirror?? That is the question. Also considering what to put under that broken glass or mirror.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Project Three Research

"Pseudodocumentation: Broken Glass" by David DiMichele
Hiding in Plain Sight by June Ahrens
Made of broken mirror pieces and is 14. 5 feet in diameter.

June Ahrens Website: 
She has a lot of pieces that I am really attracted to and I am now slightly more optimistic that my idea is now possible. 

Seven Deadly Sins and beginning ideas for the next project

Well as this project comes to an end, I feel like it is always important to look back on the project and take what I learned from the piece, what I would change and how am I going to take this knowledge into the next project. All of these thought seem to come to me at random so here is basically the list that I came up with.

1. After researching the symptoms of someone who is suicidal, the notes they left behind, and the reaction of others, I was drawn to the sadness, the conflict and the weakness of all these aspects. I found this quite shocking because I am a pretty chatty, positive, and optimistic person. Why was I drawn to this subject?
2. I decided that I was going to create this "Scene" but I wanted it to appear beautiful and perfect but have all these "secret" wrongs or terrible things that create this beautiful setting.  My last project was sort of a scene and I decided that a scene was necessary for this piece as well. Must be a sign :)
3. For my future projects I want to make something. In the past I created a scene to evoke a feeling or a thought or a scenario. For this next project I want to make something with my hands, not from things that I aquire or buy.
4. Things I felt were not successful in the last piece was the emotion of sadness and dispare. Everything was set up perfectly and all the signs were there but the strong emotion did lack. I originally had the lights dimmed which I think did create that effect more but while we were analyzing all the works I completely forgot about turning the lights all the way down.
5. Things that were successful was all the signs and the original narrative was communicated to the audience. For the most part they understood that this girl was going to or did commit suicide.
6. For the next project I have a vision of broken glass or a broken mirror that had a face painted on it. The more I think about it the more I feel like it is just a idea that is going to fail, but I cannot get the idea out of my mind. I just keep thinking of these broken pieces on the ground that if they were put all together would create a person. Hopefully while researching the process I will be pulled in a different direction or will at least find something to give me hope that this idea can work.

Pictures of the last project are to come... 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Final Days till Crit

So now that I have acquired all the materials, the next problem arises as to how and I going to properly display these items. My original idea was to have all these terrible things create something beautiful. As in a girl might be beautiful on the outside but the things that make up this girl are not so beautiful. So I have one idea to create this beautiful display of girl items but then have the desk drawer open and filled with all these terrible things like dirty cash, condoms, and cigarettes. Then have the fast food wrappers all in the trash can and the hooka displayed under the desk. However, on the top of the desk have the pills and the suicide note along with a clock, books, and the tiara.

On the other hand I would display the items to create complete chaos. Everything thrown around giving a helpless, and crazed feel. Ahhh... idk what my next step of action is going to be but hopefully I can come to a solution soon.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week Two

So my original thought was to create something beautiful out of ugly things. Something like a mirror frame surrounded by fast food wrappers. This led my thinking to all of the things we do to make out self look or seem beautiful. Which then led me to the Seven Deadly Sins. After trying to materialize every sin. Here is what I came up with.
Wrath (anger, revenge, suicide) = Gun or suicide note
Greed (that was pretty easy and obvious) = Money (real money)
Sloth (Sin of omission, lazy, poor use of talent) = clock or maybe something with a stripper message
Pride (narcissistic, boasting, arrogant) = sash, roses, tiara, trophy
Lust = lipstick, condoms
Envy (sorrow for others good) = this is the only one that I am really struggling with. I am now just trying to think of what I am envious of
Gluttony (over indulgence in food) = fast food wrappers, junk food etc

Now with all the sins materialized I decided that I am going to create a installation. My ideas right now are leaning towards a desk with all the items on or around it.  I am leaning towards more of a feminine style so probably a woman's room. Now I just need to get access to all these materials which will be the most challenging point of all.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Project Two

For this project I am  trying to come up ways to create an object with a bunch of ugly things to create something beautiful. Some ideas I am throwing around is to create some form with things that represent addictions that create a beautiful figure or object. Basically saying that things may appear beautiful on the outside but on the inside they are filled with terrible things. My first idea was to create a tree to represent something similar to the tree of life. But Im still working on it.
Chakaia Booker

New inspiration to create a frame made out of things people over indulge in. My inspiration for that is the 7 deadly sins. I also have a thought of putting a mirror within the frame to create an emotional reflection of yourself within all the sins. 

Project One

Burns Oregon

As Oregon's gateway to the scenic Steens Mountain, Burns has much to offer the outdoor enthusiast. Burns is a friendly cowboy town located at the heart of Oregon's wide open range lands in Harney County. Burns, Oregon can rightfully claim the title of the most "away from it all" town in the nation, since Harney County, the ninth largest county in America, is bigger than many eastern states.

My project is going to consist of a small campfire made of twigs. Representing the calmness yet loneliness in within the Steen Mountains.