Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week Two

So my original thought was to create something beautiful out of ugly things. Something like a mirror frame surrounded by fast food wrappers. This led my thinking to all of the things we do to make out self look or seem beautiful. Which then led me to the Seven Deadly Sins. After trying to materialize every sin. Here is what I came up with.
Wrath (anger, revenge, suicide) = Gun or suicide note
Greed (that was pretty easy and obvious) = Money (real money)
Sloth (Sin of omission, lazy, poor use of talent) = clock or maybe something with a stripper message
Pride (narcissistic, boasting, arrogant) = sash, roses, tiara, trophy
Lust = lipstick, condoms
Envy (sorrow for others good) = this is the only one that I am really struggling with. I am now just trying to think of what I am envious of
Gluttony (over indulgence in food) = fast food wrappers, junk food etc

Now with all the sins materialized I decided that I am going to create a installation. My ideas right now are leaning towards a desk with all the items on or around it.  I am leaning towards more of a feminine style so probably a woman's room. Now I just need to get access to all these materials which will be the most challenging point of all.

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